Category : poole

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These special items remains in Very good condition, (see condition report above), and bear no monograms. Height: 1 3/4″-salt; 4 3/4″-pepper. Diameter: 3″-salt; 2″-pepper. Weight (g): 111.8g. WE LIKE TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE PIECES SO WE DO NOT OFFER OR SUGGEST SIZING. WE HAVE TESTED ALL STONES & METALS THAT WE IDENTIFY AND ..

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These special items remains in Very good condition, (see condition report above), and bear no monograms. Height: 1 3/4″-salt; 4 3/4″-pepper. Diameter: 3″-salt; 2″-pepper. Weight (g): 111.8g. WE LIKE TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE PIECES SO WE DO NOT OFFER OR SUGGEST SIZING. WE HAVE TESTED ALL STONES & METALS THAT WE IDENTIFY AND ..

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These special items remains in Very good condition, (see condition report above), and bear no monograms. Height: 1 3/4″-salt; 4 3/4″-pepper. Diameter: 3″-salt; 2″-pepper. Weight (g): 111.8g. WE LIKE TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE PIECES SO WE DO NOT OFFER OR SUGGEST SIZING. WE HAVE TESTED ALL STONES & METALS THAT WE IDENTIFY AND ..

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These special items remains in Very good condition, (see condition report above), and bear no monograms. Height: 1 3/4″-salt; 4 3/4″-pepper. Diameter: 3″-salt; 2″-pepper. Weight (g): 111.8g. WE LIKE TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE PIECES SO WE DO NOT OFFER OR SUGGEST SIZING. WE HAVE TESTED ALL STONES & METALS THAT WE IDENTIFY AND ..

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These special items remains in Very good condition, (see condition report above), and bear no monograms. Height: 1 3/4″-salt; 4 3/4″-pepper. Diameter: 3″-salt; 2″-pepper. Weight (g): 111.8g. WE LIKE TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE PIECES SO WE DO NOT OFFER OR SUGGEST SIZING. WE HAVE TESTED ALL STONES & METALS THAT WE IDENTIFY AND ..

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